Blog Post 6

Learning through Visualization was certainly interesting to work with. I have chosen to make a data map to demonstrate the census related to slavery in the 1840s’. I have tried to include a comparison between the White population and the ‘Non-White’ population who were treated as slaves. While I began working on this visualization, I came across access to many features that I liked to explore to include in my visualization. After understanding a few features, I have created my project.


The data seems to be extremely skewed towards the White population being dark red in almost every county in the northeastern part of the United States (depicted in the dataset). As compared to the bottom half to the country, the White Population seems to dissolve as we slowly move towards the south part of the country.


There were a few exceptions where not all the Non-Whites were treated as or were slaves, as the map depicts, many parts of the country consisted of non-white free people who were largely situated in the coastal areas of the east as compared to the Midwest.


It is interesting to look at the fact that there were many Non—White slaves living in the bottom half of the east side as compared to whites’ population. The greater white population was in the northeastern side and not the bottom half.


I have tried to make a relation between the three categories here, please explore any other relations you might find.

One thought on “Blog Post 6

  1. This is a fantastic visualization, and I appreciate the amount of work you put into making this! The three populations represented from 1840– white, free nonwhites, and enslaved nonwhites– definitely reflect distinctive geographic regions. From another student’s map depicting free nonwhite people from 1790, I recall that there was a fair spread of free people of color throughout the coastal south. When I look at your map though, it is striking to see how this population has gradually shifted northward within fifty years. The other noteworthy observation I found was the comparison of enslaved people in the south to white people; although this might be expected, it reinforces how white southerners constructed fears of insurrection considering the overwhelming numbers of enslaved people. This data map raises important questions and answers.. thank you for sharing!

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