Blog 2

There was a lot of great material in these readings, making it difficult for us to choose a topic for a research question. I have, however, come to a consensus of what I want mine to be. My research question is : “Why were the people tasked with moving the enslaved captives so unconcerned with the fact that some of the captives would die on the way to the harbors?” To answer that question effectively, I could easily look up some of the retellings of what went down on the ships. I could possibly find some logs on the Internet from one of the ship mates tasked with tending to the enslaved people. Depending on the findings, it could cause me to reframe the question to make it less broad and more concise and to the point. With the materials given to me already and my prior knowledge on the topic, I can come to the conclusion that the people moving the enslaved to the harbors just simply did not see them as human. I know the answer to this question is much more complicated than the answer I just stated, but I would need more resources to get an even better, more explanatory answer. In terms of accessing materials that are not digitized, I could always go to a library and read some books that go way further in depth into this topic. My next steps to answering this question would be to first find all I can on the Internet about the treatment of the enslaved people on the ships. After I have found everything I can on the Internet, I would look at other resources outside of just the Internet. As previously mentioned, I am sure I could find some great books that go into detail about the treatment of the captives. After gathering all of the resources I possibly can, I would then form a new question if need be. I would then have enough resources present to answer that newly formed question effectively. I feel this question is a very important one and it should be answered if it has not been already.

One thought on “Blog 2

  1. This is a great question with promising results. I think the methods you provide to begin to answer this question are absolutely on the right track. I particularly like how you acknowledged that your question may change depending upon the research you encounter– that is all part of historical research! One avenue I would encourage you to consider is corroborating the historical sources from captors with any accounts/information of the people who were forced into slavery. There are accounts that exist that look at this historical experience retroactively, so testimonies from people as they recalled the experience later in life. Or perhaps they heard stories about that experience passed down generationally.

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