Blog #2 week 2

Historical Thinking; Blog 2

This weeks reading was definitely something new and different in our blog post number 2. It gave us as readers more in depth look into slavery and it was definitely something unlike anything else I had read. It’s been interesting getting a different view point and in depth look into slavery. Now personally I have been taught similar lessons on slavery throughout high school so it wasn’t as much of a shock or surprise how they were treated and bargained back then. I found it very interesting that the north though they were changing and were applying more structure, they still had slavery in use through the culture. And the minor changes they were making were not enough to make much of a change at all. I found it intriguing that they would essentially trick slaved into a deal that would promise their freedom but as they arrived back they were fixed right back into slavery.


incredible, that a human live was worth less to them than a small cost for the slave. Very few were granted a life of freedom just due to the fact that they were promised an unrealistic release considering their life span was poor from the conditions they lived in. I also got the opportunity to read old messages from slaveholders as well as some stories from slaves and how they were treated.  Also found it interesting how the north imposed laws but they were so insignificant and so easily avoided that it really didn’t promote much help to slaves at the time. My question is ” when was the actual time and or law that legitimately abolished slavery” because as we continue to read we learn that lincon’s emancipation proclamation didn’t have as much of an effect on slavery as it was taught, and as we learned about it. Though we haven’t had or discussed a true abolishment of slavery I’m looking forward to reading more about it.

One thought on “Blog #2 week 2

  1. This is a strong research question that alludes to an important concept: the uneven patter of abolition as it developed over time. I agree that especially in the North, it is surprising how despite the widespread antislavery sentiment, there were still so many laws and measures in place to protect the institution of slavery.

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